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Brand Guidelines

Thanks for your interest in H.I.S. Loans and Real Estate Company! We have a few guidelines for using H.I.S. Loans and Real Estate Company’s brand assets—please take a moment to familiarize yourself with them.

Our Logo

Brand Colors

Soft gray canvases and cool gray copy splashed with accents of H.I.S. Loans and Real Estate Company blue and green.



When written, H.I.S. Loans and Real Estate Company is one word. Capitalize the first L and the H.

H.I.S. Loans and Real Estate Company

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H.I.S. Loans and Real Estate Company

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We have selected Open Sans as our primary and Proxima Nova as our complementary typefaces.

Open Sans




Proxima Nova





Here’s our friendly legal reminder that these graphics are proprietary and protected under intellectual property laws, so please use them correctly.